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您所在的位置首页 > 供应 > 制冷产品 > 压缩机 > 隔膜压缩机 > 华岩D型隔膜压缩机|大型隔膜压缩机|硫化氢隔膜压缩机|隔膜压缩机出口
  • 华岩D型隔膜压缩机|大型隔膜压缩机|硫化氢隔膜压缩机|隔膜压缩机出口举报卖家
  • 产品价格: 面议
  • 库存总量: 837 个
  • 所在地区: 江苏 徐州市
  • 浏览次数: 1023 次
  • 发布日期: 2021-09-19 10:37
  • 询价
  • 公司名称:徐州华岩气体设备有限公司
  • 联 系 人:李经理(先生) 部门经理
  • 联系手机:
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  • 联系地址:中国江苏省徐州市邳州市 邳新路与南京路交叉口




The diaphragm compressor works on the principle that the diaphragm reciprocates in the cylinder to compress and deliver the gas to the reciprocating compressor. The diaphragm is clamped along the periphery by two limiting plates and constitutes a cylinder. The diaphragm is mechanically or hydraulically driven to reciprocate in the cylinder to achieve compression and delivery of the gas. Compressors that use metal diaphragms and are driven by hydraulic fluids are more common. The displacement can reach thousands of standard meters per hour. The size of the displacement is generally determined by the relationship between the compression ratio between the inlet and outlet pressures. Currently, our company The compressor discharge pressure can exceed 87 MPa, which is suitable for the delivery and pressurization of various gases. It can also be used as a booster compressor after oil-free lubrication. The thickness of the metal diaphragm is generally about 0.5 mm. The life of the diaphragm depends on the material chosen and its surface roughness. Due to the large mass of the hydraulically driven motion, the average speed of the piston in the hydraulic section can only be 2 m/s, so the rotational speed of the machine is usually in the range of 300 to 500 rpm. The ratio of the cylinder working volume surface area to the cylinder volume of the diaphragm compressor is much larger than that of the reciprocating piston compressor. The compression of the gas is close to the isothermal process, so the pressure ratio of each stage can be as high as 25. The diaphragm compressor has good sealing performance due to the cylinder, and the compressed gas is not polluted, and is suitable for various uses in a small displacement. For example, it is used as a small air supply device, a pneumatic regulator, aeration device for aquarium feeding tanks, and transportation and pressurization of oil-free, toxic, corrosive, valuable or radioactive gas in the chemical industry.

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