High-quality accessories of international brand are adopted in the unit, with high stability, efficiency and durability
Ultra-low temperature operation technology ensures that equipment can provide steady constant-temperature and heat in extreme weather;
Intelligent defrost technology allows automatic detection of defrosting temperature, improving the efficiency of heat pump;
Large area air exchanger is used with larger heat exchange and stronger heating capacity;
Multiple intelligent protection effectively ensures normal, safe and reliable working environment.
The unit obtains lots of free heat from the air to provide hot water through electricity into 3-4 times of heat, with high energy conversion rate for energy saving and environmental protection;
The control system accurately detects water temperature, performing intelligent control of heat pump operation according to the needs to achieve long-lasting constant temperature.
ZIBON 是一家专业温湿控设备制造商,专业从事双冷源新风除湿机、变频冷暖空气源、毛细管辐射新风除湿机、被动房新风空调、泳池恒温恒湿空调机组、泳池热泵热水机组、全新风除湿净化一体机、酒窖空调、机房空调、恒温恒湿空调、转轮除湿机、工业除湿系统、高精度恒温恒湿空调、高温空调、高温除湿机等特种空调产品的研发、设计、制造一站式解决方案服务商。
ZIBON 以中国.杭州作为制造生产基地,全线引进意大利的空调设计与研发制造。
诚信——诚信是 ZIBON 追求之道,是 ZIBON 服务于客户,服务于社会的标准,是企业每个员工须遵守的准则。
专业——专业是 ZIBON 制胜的法宝,是体现 ZIBON 在特种空调行业专业性,专为用户在产品工艺温湿度不同要求而定制,解决客户难题。
品质——品质是 ZIBON 的血液,ZIBON 严控产品品质,为顾客提供好技术好服务、品质过硬的特种空调。在生产工艺上要求做到消除每一个隐患,到达客户放心安心产品。