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您所在的位置首页 > 供应 > 制冷产品 > 制冷配件 > 旁通阀 > 水果保鲜柜一般尺寸是多少! 水果保鲜柜的一般尺寸如下: ??The general size of fruit preservation c
  • 水果保鲜柜一般尺寸是多少! 水果保鲜柜的一般尺寸如下: ??The general size of fruit preservation c举报卖家
  • 产品价格: 897.00元/台
  • 库存总量: 682 台
  • 所在地区: 广东 中山市
  • 浏览次数: 330 次
  • 发布日期: 2021-09-20 17:12
  • 购买
  • 公司名称:中山市奥驰冷链设备有限公司
  • 联 系 人:骆焱林(先生) 营销总监
  • 联系手机:
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  • 联系地址:中国广东省中山市南朗镇 中山市南朗镇南朗工业区番塔山南路奥驰冷链科技园





??The general size of fruit preservation cabinet as follows:


??Ordinary two-door display cabinet: This fruit preservation cabinet is designed for two doors with dimensions of 1 meter and 1.2 meters. This simple generous, suitable for general convenience store fruit preservation.


??Ordinary three-door display cabinet: fruit preservation cabinet This is only this one is three-door. The length of this model can be 1.8 meters, larger.


??Vertical ordering cabinet: This machine can be used as ordering cabinet, and can also be used as fruit fresh-keeping cabinet, beautiful appearance, comprehensive display. With refrigeration and freezing functions, the freezing temperature is not very low, to ensure that the fruit will not frostbite. Size can be 1.2 meters, 1.4 meters, 1.6 meters, 1.87 meters.


??Fruit Wind Curtain: This is a relatively high-grade refrigerator, generally applicable to large supermarkets, fruit stores, imported fruit stores. This luxurious generous, size can be made 1-3 meters, can also be reasonably lengthened according to the needs of businesses.


??When customizing refrigerators, you need to give the manufacturers your needs, such as what kind of refrigerators, size, material, specific style. The manufacturers will customize the fruit fresh-keeping cabinets according to your needs.

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