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您所在的位置首页 > 供应 > 制冷产品 > 制冷设备 > 储液器 > 北京益都 厂家直销 热量表,EDUEST
  • 北京益都 厂家直销 热量表,EDUEST举报卖家
  • 产品价格: 410.00元/个
  • 库存总量: 491 个
  • 所在地区: 全国
  • 浏览次数: 146 次
  • 发布日期: 2022-06-18 19:54
  • 购买






公称直径 Nominal diameter DN mm 常用流量 The permant fow-rate Qp ㎡/h 流量范围 Flow range 外形尺寸 (长*宽*高)mm size (L*W*H)mm 通讯方式(选配) Communication Means(Pptional)
15 1.5 0.03-3 110*72*102 RS485 M84 脉冲输出 Pulse output M-BUS
20 2.5 0.05-5 130*72*102
25 3.5 0.07-S/7 160*72*102

该产品是一种高科技机电一体化智能仪表,由流量传感器、温度传感器、积分计算仪三大部分构成,流量传感器采用双磁极工作方式,无需工作电源,具有无触点、无污染、寿命长等特点,产品的设计借鉴了国内外同类产品的先进技术和经验。同时也考虑了我国采暖环境的实际情况,具有精度高,易安装,可全方位旋转读数,操作方便等特点,各项指标均符合中华人民共和国城镇建设行业标准《热量表》CJ128-2007的要求。 产品特点 ●温度传感器采用PT1000﹙IEC751﹚,温度测量准确; ●自动采集流量和温度信号,并具有温度采集故障诊断功能; ●根据积分流量和进回水温度,进行热量或冷量积分; ●自动保存累计流量、累计热量等计量数据; ●仪器采用全中文显示,清晰、直观、具有多功能显示:热量值、冷量值、进水温度、回水温度、温差、累计流量、流速、累计工作时间; ●冷热两用,适用于城市集中供热和中央空调的冷、热计量; ●大量采用进口元器件,工作稳定、可靠,数据长期存储不丢失; ●通讯协议符合CJT188-2004,可实现数据远传、集中控制; ●仪表采用低功耗设计,保证锂电池正常工作寿命不低于6年; ●一体式结构,显示器可水平旋转、垂直翻盖,单键设计,操作简便; ●安装、维护方便,具有防尘、防潮、防拆缷、防人为破坏等功能; ●外売密封性好,保证积分仪运行的可靠性。












北京益都 厂家直销  热量表,EDUEST

益都智能技术(北京)股份有限公司/北京益都仪表成套厂生产加工中心是一家集开发、生产、销售于一体的高科技股份制企业。企业坐落于**一级开发区中国首都北京(亦庄)经济开发区,占地面积 13333平方米,厂房、办公面积共10000平方米,在同行业中规模较大,是国内较早从事专业制造热量表、压力表等系列仪表产品的企业,产品已被列入**节能、减排重大项目之一。 本企业引进德国先进技术及设备,拥有各项专业生产车间及进口专用工具。拥有全自动计算机操作测试装置设备,采用先进的生产工艺技术和严格的检测手段,确保 产品质量。专业技术人才的雄厚实力,以及“益都”的现代化管理模式,为企业的生产和销售提供全方位的有力保证,尽心尽力维护用户的利益,产品广泛应用于家 庭暖气分户计量、大厦中央空调、集中供热、锅炉、科技节能等领域和供暖管道行业的重点工程建设上,深受用户实践的信赖,产品质量稳定可靠,交货及时,信守 合同。 企业已全面通过ISO9001:2008国际质量管理体系认证,“益都”热量表已通过**技术监督局授权北京市计量检测所取得合格证书。并荣获全国质量服 务消费者满意的企业及国际标准产品合格证书和中国市场公认畅销品牌,产品执行**CJ128-2007和CJ/T133-2007标准。是国内率先达标的 企业。
自成立以来,随着经济的迅速发展、市场不断变化,我们致力于科技创新,努力研发、改进系列专业“益都”热量表,吸引来自全国各地的客户和合作伙伴,同时我 们将以用户的需要为本厂宗旨,不断应用新材料、新工艺、新技术、积极开发新产品,尽心尽力为客户提供**的产品和完善的售后服务,致力于将“益都”仪表系 列产品打造成为**品牌。 益都全体员工愿与您真诚合作、共创美好明天!

Bejing Yidu Instrument and Meters Setting Plant is a joint—stock enterprise with allintegral set of service combining development,production and after service. Since the enterprise system reform in November 2001,the company has focused on independent research and development as well as producing high—tech instruments and meters. Our company has early been specialized in producing calorimeters, pre—payment IC card for cold and hot water meter, pressure gauge/manometer, etc. At the same time, we provide useful technical support for the government in spreading intelligent resident construction new technology so as to solve problems in independent charge in water fee and concentrated heat supply. Our company situates inYuzhuang Economic and Industrial Development Zone of Beijing, the capitol of China. The area which the factory covers reaches 10,000 squaremeters, and the total capital of our company amonnts to 80,000,000 Yuan.
Our company has imported advanced equipments from Germany, and owns a large variety of imported special purpose tools used in professional production workshops. We have a computerized operation testing device in early times of northern China areas, and we adopt advanced production technology and strict testing measures to ensure the products quality.With a strong power of technical staff, the modem managing personnel from Yidu heavily guarantee the production and salesin very way and safeguard the consumer's interests with heart and soul. Our products are widely applied in fields such as household water prepayment and family central heating calculation,central air-conditioning and central heating supply in mansions, boiler and technical energy saving etc. as well as key engineering projects in central heating pipe industry. We produce nearly 200,000 sets of various thermal meters and IC card water meters,the output of which reaches over 10,000,000 Yuan. Our products enjoy stable qualities that are deeply trusted by consumers through in—time delivery and contract abidance.
Our corporate has passed through the authentication of IS09001—2000 International Quality Management System The calorimeters and pre—payment IC card water meters from our company have passed the testing by Measurement Institute of The State Bureau of Technical Supervision and have got certificates of competency.The qualification rates are 100% We have been authorized the title of The Enterprise Recognized by Consumers in National Quality Service. Besides, we have got the certificate of competency in international standard products, and our products have become the widely—recognized best—sellers in China market. All our products are produced in accordance with national CJl28—2000 criteria, GB/T778.l.2.3—2007 Cold Water Meter and national criteria in Q/ 321088NSBl-2000 Intelligent IC Card Cold Water Meter, SO we are the heading enterprise in quality competency in China.
Since our company has been established, with the fast development of economy and variations of market,we have beendevoted in continuous technological innovation, and in improving our professional series of Yidu products of calorimeters and pre—payment IC card water meters.so as to attract customers and partners from all over the China Meanwhile, we will aim at the needs from our clients.and keep applying new materials and new technologies as well as exploring new products. We will do our best to provide qualified products and perfect after service to our clients, and to establish a first—class brand for Yidu instruments and meters.

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